275 Richards Ave • Norwalk, CT 06850

(203) 838-8858

Gift Cards

United Congregational Church welcomes you to the UCC-Gift-Cards program…. “fundraising while you shop”.

We (the Church) are selling gift cards as a major fundraising opportunity for our church. Both the Finance Committee and The Church Council reviewed and accepted this program. We have become a client of a very successful company called The Great Lakes Scrip Center that services non-profit organizations and major US retailers through innovative scrip (gift card) fundraising programs. The gift cards are good for groceries, gas, restaurants, hardware, clothing, movie tickets, and just about anything you could possibly purchase from major retailers. We (the Church) buy the gift cards from Great Lakes Scrip Center, at a discount, and you buy them from the church at full face value and redeem them at full face value. It costs you nothing extra, and it costs the church nothing extra either! The discounts range anywhere from 2 to 20%… this is what the church will realize from your purchases.

To shop for your gift cards – just pick up an order from Gift-Card table at church fill it out and return it with your check made out to The United Congregational Church; a week later you can pick up your gift card(s). A complete list of participating merchants is available at the table. You can display and print out an order form by clicking on this

To shop for you gift cards from home on your computer – go online to WWW.ShopWithScrip.com and follow the instructions, after registering, and do your own ordering. To order online you need to use our enrollment code. Check with one of the Gift-Card coordinators for the code. After you have placed your order all you need to do is print out a copy of that order and bring it (along with a check) to the UCC-Gift-Card table on Sunday morning and in one or two weeks you can pick up your gift cards at the same table.

So, come to the UCC-GIFT-CARDS table after the Sunday worship service to learn more about this fund raising program and maybe even try it out by placing an order… (great as Christmas Gifts, birthday gifts, or thank-you gifts for friends and family).

We are all very excited to be able to bring this program to our church and create a novel source of revenue for the church that involves all of us. There are many other churches throughout the country that are, or are planning to become, part of this fund raising system. As we begin this endeavor we will be ordering gift cards twice a month. As our success grows and UCC-GIFT-CARDS become more popular we hope to make them available every week.