275 Richards Ave • Norwalk, CT 06850

(203) 838-8858

Come as you are!

Welcome to a place where everyone can find belonging, peace, and grace.

Whoever you are, and wherever you are on your life’s journey, you will find a warm welcome with us at our “pointy” church in the valley.

We stand out not only because of our pointy roof, which makes our Sanctuary feel like the tents Abraham and his family must have called home on their journey.

We stand out also because of our determination to live by the Word, to overcome hardship and struggle, and to reach out to our community in helping others through their life challenges.

A congregation of all ages and from all faith traditions, we gather as an open and affirming community to engage each other in what it means to be faith-filled disciples of Jesus Christ.


We develop our faith by

• Loving God in prayer, Bible study, worship, and music,

• Loving our neighbor, whoever he or she is, and accepting them for who and what they are, and

• Serving our neighbors by feeding the hungry, caring for the sick and lonely, and comforting the oppressed.

As Mahatma Ghandi said, “The best way to find yourself is through service to others.” Our journey is a path of self-discovery: Who are we, and what are we here for. Won’t you join us?

Coming Events

We are working on automating the updates here.

• Our worship service is at 10:00 every Sunday.

•We have coffee hour in the fellowship area after service.  Come join us for coffee, tea, juice and snacks !


UCC Norwalk News Center

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News and Announcements


A fall/winter couples retreat. Saturday February 15, 2025  “How Love Matters in Lasting Relationships” A spring retreat.  “Church Vision” A summer BBQ Dates to be

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This Week

2/2/2025 Communion Scripture:  Luke 4:21-30 Sermon: “Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.”   Council Meeting after coffee hour.

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